
Right after joining on social media you are probably wondering “What’s next” or perhaps you have been using them for some time, but you found difficulty knowing the basics of how to create or maintain your official status on social media.

By official status, I mean a kind of status that someone has in a career or wants to get into a career that will help him or her achieve more.

Due to technological advancement, now it is very easy for someone to define you through your social media activities, by what you post, write and most importantly people you engage with. Any misbehaviour on social media may cost you a job, a tender or any opportunity that is not worth losing.

For that case it is very important for you to build your official status on social media based on what you want people to identify you with. This task is for everyone who wants to engage and maximise the potential of social media online while protecting his or her reputation mostly work related.

I will share some basic tips here that can help in building your official status on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Whatsapp as follows:-

Let your picture introduce you

Create your profile picture that gives someone sees or visits the page a positive impression about you and your work or profession. Put a decent portrait picture that is appealing to someone to know more about who you are and what you do. Putting pictures that are not decent in terms of appearance and dressing will be the first thing to destroy your official status.

Create a short description or bio of yourself

How do you want to be identified? This may briefly include what you do, what you like to do and any other personal information that you as an individual would prefer to people to identify you with. Since everyone has his or her own data privacy guidelines, decide yourself what should be public to advance your profile and what should not.

Search for people of your potential

Start using the social media ‘Search’ feature to find professionals within your field of interest. You may start with those working with brands or organisations you trust and admire, and in cities or regions of interest to you. Don’t be afraid to invite persons in positions of influence within your field of interest to connect. With this, you have made the first major step towards effectively networking on social media accounts. Linkedin works better in this aspect.


You may notice that experts, some of whom you may already be connected with, are posting content regularly. Leave thoughtful comments and share their posts that bring interactivity and help you engage with lots of people of your interest. However, you need to be careful on what you comment and topics that you are contributing.

By doing so, you are well on your way to a more rewarding networking experience on social media and a huge possibility of creating well your official status.